
Land Conservation

Allegheny Land Trust conserves and cares for local land for the health and well-being of future generations.

Allegheny Land Trust (ALT) is working with great and increasing urgency to counter the region’s rapid and on-going loss of greenspace. Since 1960, approximately 2,000 acres of greenspace have been consumed each year in Allegheny County. To counter this, ALT has accelerated the pace and diversity of its land protection efforts in recent years with strong support from Colcom Foundation. This support has enabled ALT to permanently conserve an additional 1,470 acres and expand its conservation presence into 15 new municipalities over the past six years. This represents 40% of all acres protected during ALT’s 30-year history.

Christopher Beichner, President & CEO

Hollow Oak Land Trust protects and connects greenspace with an emphasis in the Pittsburgh Airport Corridor. Hollow Oak has nine conservation areas totaling over 700 acres in Moon, Kennedy, Franklin Park, North Fayette, Hopewell, Kilbuck, Ben Avon, Emsworth, and Chippewa.

Colcom Foundation has been instrumental in advancing greenway projects in the communities of Moon, Robinson, Ben Avon, Emsworth and Kilbuck. With Colcom support, Hollow Oak was able to permanently protect vernal pools and nesting habitat for woodcocks and bluebirds, while also expanding the 10-mile trail loop of the Montour Woods Greenway. A Colcom capital grant provided the crucial match for a $300,000 grant from Allegheny County to permanently protect the Vinegar Hollow Conservation Area. There has been no other funder more supportive of the mission of Hollow Oak Land Trust to protect and connect greenspace in greater Pittsburgh.

The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy has been dedicated to protecting and restoring the region’s exceptional natural places since 1932.

The generous support of Colcom Foundation has played a significant role in advancing the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s watershed conservation, urban forestry, community greening, land conservation and other initiatives since 2004. This has resulted in major long-term and tangible impacts on the health of our region’s rivers, streams and forests, as well as making downtown Pittsburgh a more tree-shaded, colorful and inviting place for its residents, workers and visitors.

WeConservePA helps people care for, wisely use, and enjoy what nature offers. 

Colcom Foundation’s support of WeConservePA is helping charitable organizations and local governments to effectively and efficiently conserve land, protect and restore waterways, implement sustainable practices, and connect people to the outdoors. Colcom Foundation has played a pivotal role in assuring that the conservation volunteers and professionals working to make southwestern Pennsylvania a better place have the direct technical assistance, training, model legal documents, general guidance, and other resources they need to achieve more and better conservation for the benefit of all.

Andy Loza, Executive Director

Westmoreland Land Trust conserves and stewards land in Westmoreland County of special ecological, cultural, or recreational value, for public benefit.

Westmoreland Land Trust (WLT) is honored to have received support from Colcom Foundation over the years.  Colcom’s assistance has been key to WLT’s establishment of nature preserves, buffering of natural treasures like the Cedar Creek Gorge, and enlargement of County parks.  Colcom support has been invaluable, including that for a pilot meadow of native wildflowers and grasses to add to habitat value of the land while serving as a source of information useful for the development of other ecologically valuable meadows.  Colcom’s commitment to the environment is evidenced by the Foundation’s sensitivity to today’s environmental challenges and steady support for land conservation.

Betsy Aiken, Executive Director


Land Conservation Progress in Southwest Pennsylvania

February 07, 2025 | Read More →

Scenic Pittsburgh opens city’s newest greenspace in the Hill District

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WVU-led Three Rivers Quest expands environmental research and education efforts with Colcom Foundation support

March 12, 2024 | Read More →

40% of Freshwater Fish Species in North America Are in Danger. Here’s why they’re in hot water.

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29% of North America’s Bird Population Has Disappeared Since 1970. What’s Next?

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If America’s Water Supply Is Tapped by 2071, How Are We Going to Quench the Thirst of Another 100 Million People?

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