Colcom Foundation supports national projects acknowledging the impact of human population growth on the environment.Learn More →
Population Media Center utilizes entertainment-education and mass media to prevent unplanned and unwanted births to reduce birth rates globally.
According to Pew Research Center, immigration accounts for 88 percent of US population growth. NumbersUSA, Federation for American Immigration Reform, and Center for Immigration Studies seek to advance a public conversation on sustainable immigration policy. By reducing current immigration levels, the US can stabilize and gradually decrease its population, thereby shrinking its ecological footprint. Colcom Foundation supports stabilizing and beginning to gradually shrink the US population by 2040.
The notion of ever more old people needing ever more young people, who will in turn grow old and need even more young people, and so on ad infinitum, is an obvious ecological Ponzi scheme.
David Attenborough
Clean water degradation correlates strongly to urban development, resource extraction, infrastructure development, as well as suburban development and large-scale farming operations. As population numbers increase these impacts also increase.
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
Colcom Foundation supports environmental and conservation projects in southwestern Pennsylvania. Southwestern Pennsylvania includes the following counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Somerset, Washington, and Westmoreland.
Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) works to protect and restore the Commonwealth’s natural and built environments through collaboration, innovation, education and advocacy.
Grant funding from the Colcom Foundation has been instrumental in PEC’s efforts to develop trails and enhance connectivity throughout southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond, which in turn helps to create life-changing outdoor experiences that foster an ethic of stewardship among residents and visitors alike. Colcom’s support has sustained our partnership with PA DCNR and local stakeholders to advance land conservation, restoration and outdoor recreation in the ecologically important Laurel Highlands Conservation Landscape. By supporting PEC’s reforestation program, Colcom has played an integral role in re-establishing healthy native woodlands on reclaimed mining sites — delivering benefits to water quality, wildlife, carbon sequestration and expanded recreational access to public lands. Colcom has also helped PEC to advance sound, bipartisan policy solutions for decarbonizing Pennsylvania’s electricity sector.
Tom Gilbert, President
Allegheny Land Trust conserves and cares for local land for the health and well-being of future generations.
Allegheny Land Trust (ALT) is working with great and increasing urgency to counter the region’s rapid and on-going loss of greenspace. Since 1960, approximately 2,000 acres of greenspace have been consumed each year in Allegheny County. To counter this, ALT has accelerated the pace and diversity of its land protection efforts in recent years with strong support from Colcom Foundation. This support has enabled ALT to permanently conserve an additional 1,470 acres and expand its conservation presence into 15 new municipalities over the past six years. This represents 40% of all acres protected during ALT’s 30-year history.
Christopher Beichner, President & CEO
Hollow Oak Land Trust protects and connects greenspace with an emphasis in the Pittsburgh Airport Corridor. Hollow Oak has nine conservation areas totaling over 700 acres in Moon, Kennedy, Franklin Park, North Fayette, Hopewell, Kilbuck, Ben Avon, Emsworth, and Chippewa.
Colcom Foundation has been instrumental in advancing greenway projects in the communities of Moon, Robinson, Ben Avon, Emsworth and Kilbuck. With Colcom support, Hollow Oak was able to permanently protect vernal pools and nesting habitat for woodcocks and bluebirds, while also expanding the 10-mile trail loop of the Montour Woods Greenway. A Colcom capital grant provided the crucial match for a $300,000 grant from Allegheny County to permanently protect the Vinegar Hollow Conservation Area. There has been no other funder more supportive of the mission of Hollow Oak Land Trust to protect and connect greenspace in greater Pittsburgh.
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy has been dedicated to protecting and restoring the region’s exceptional natural places since 1932.
The generous support of Colcom Foundation has played a significant role in advancing the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s watershed conservation, urban forestry, community greening, land conservation and other initiatives since 2004. This has resulted in major long-term and tangible impacts on the health of our region’s rivers, streams and forests, as well as making downtown Pittsburgh a more tree-shaded, colorful and inviting place for its residents, workers and visitors.
WeConservePA helps people care for, wisely use, and enjoy what nature offers.
Colcom Foundation’s support of WeConservePA is helping charitable organizations and local governments to effectively and efficiently conserve land, protect and restore waterways, implement sustainable practices, and connect people to the outdoors. Colcom Foundation has played a pivotal role in assuring that the conservation volunteers and professionals working to make southwestern Pennsylvania a better place have the direct technical assistance, training, model legal documents, general guidance, and other resources they need to achieve more and better conservation for the benefit of all.
Andy Loza, Executive Director
Westmoreland Land Trust conserves and stewards land in Westmoreland County of special ecological, cultural, or recreational value, for public benefit.
Westmoreland Land Trust (WLT) is honored to have received support from Colcom Foundation over the years. Colcom’s assistance has been key to WLT’s establishment of nature preserves, buffering of natural treasures like the Cedar Creek Gorge, and enlargement of County parks. Colcom support has been invaluable, including that for a pilot meadow of native wildflowers and grasses to add to habitat value of the land while serving as a source of information useful for the development of other ecologically valuable meadows. Colcom’s commitment to the environment is evidenced by the Foundation’s sensitivity to today’s environmental challenges and steady support for land conservation.
Betsy Aiken, Executive Director
Rail Pollution Protection Pittsburgh (RP3) is a group of Pittsburgh residents committed to addressing the risk and negative impacts of rail proliferation where it conflicts with urban health, sustainability, and personal well-being.
RP3 recognized that Pittsburgh is at risk because it sits on the most intensively used rail line in North America for the transportation of hazardous chemicals and explosive oil. RP3 predicted an East Palestine-type derailment before it happened — and pivoted to rail safety and policy reform. That work led to RP3 forming a coalition of 68 other regional and national environmental organizations to educate residents and elected officials on the city, county, state, and federal levels about rail risks, safety failure points, and state and federal policy options implemented in other high rail volume states.
Between 2018 and 2022 RP3 utilized a two-prong litigation and grassroots campaign strategy to obtain mitigation for neighborhoods impacted by Norfolk Southern’s Pittsburgh Vertical Clearance Project (PVCP). Litigation delays and a three-year mediation negotiation provided the leverage which led to a significant settlement (so large that the amount cannot be publicized given the terms of the Settlement Agreement). It was only by virtue of Colcom’s steadfast support that these issues and realistic solutions were brought to light.
Glenn Olcerst, General Counsel
The National Aviary is home to more than 500 birds representing more than 150 species from around the world.
Generous financial support from Colcom Foundation throughout the years has helped the National Aviary fulfill our mission and our vision to save birds and protect their habitats. The Foundation has provided critical funding for veterinary programs, endangered bird breeding programs, conservation and field research at home and abroad, educational programs, and important habitat upgrades. As a result, the Aviary has achieved a number of conservation milestones and helped hundreds of thousands of visitors learn to be good stewards of our environment.
Natural Areas Association is an association of practitioners and scientists focused on the management of ecologically significant landscapes with the intent to protect biodiversity for current and future generations.
The protection of natural areas and the rare species they harbor, in Southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond, takes constant stewardship to mitigate threats, such as invasive species and shifts resulting from a changing climate. Thanks to Colcom Foundation’s generous support, the Natural Areas Association (NAA) has quadrupled the number of practitioners in our network within the region and doubled that number nationally, further expanding access to emerging conservation science, new methodologies, and innovative management strategies. In addition, NAA solidified collaborations with existing regional conservation organizations, providing thought-leadership through participation in the Pennsylvania Environmental Council Forest Health Initiative, facilitating a group of experts exploring forest protection strategies in Western PA, and expanding programming to share vital information at a regional and national level that is essential if we are to move the needle on conservation in SW PA and beyond.
Lisa Smith, Executive Director
Tree Pittsburgh restores and protects the urban forest through tree planting and care, education, advocacy, and land conservation.
Grants from Colcom Foundation have supported Tree Pittsburgh’s work to grow and distribute more than 12,000 trees to Allegheny County residents to date, conserve five acres of riverfront land through the acquisition of our Upper Lawrenceville campus, and provide vital funds for capital improvements and organizational operations.
Danielle Crumrine, Executive Director
The Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds invests in efforts to protect, preserve, and restore Pennsylvania’s water resources and watersheds.
The Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds (FPW) has worked with Colcom Foundation since 1996 to support, guide, and fund conservation projects in southwest Pennsylvania. The FPW provides grants to community organizations at the forefront of environmental and social change, helping leverage and match private, local, state, and federal funds. The FPW has provided more than 1,600 grants, totaling more than $15.4M and leveraging more than $193.7M in conservation efforts, a 12:1 return on investment. Colcom’s funds have helped improved water quality, improve stream habitat, reduced stormwater impacts, and bring once-dead streams back to life. Colcom Foundation has consistently collaborated with the FPW to enhance and accelerate conservation impact at the local level. Their partnership supports the core mission of FPW to improve and protect Pennsylvania’s water resources.
Deb Nardone, Executive Director
Armstrong Trails protects and converts railroad corridors into trails for public use, providing opportunities for commuters and outdoor recreational activities.
Armstrong Trails is a 52.5-mile rails to trails project on the eastern bank of the Allegheny River in Westmoreland, Armstrong, and Clarion Counties and the northern bank of the Kiskiminetas (Kiski) River. The project included the development of 14-miles of new trail and the rehabilitation of the Kiski Bridge. Funding for Phase I rehab of the Kiski Bridge project was secured through Colcom Foundation and others.
Armstrong Trails’ Kiski Bridge project was a linchpin in furthering development on the emerging Erie to Pittsburgh Trail (270 miles), and Brookville to Butler Route (130 miles), and proposed Pittsburgh to Harrisburg Main Line Canal Greenway (320 miles). While these systems are still under development, the rehab of the Kiski Bridge connected 100 miles of continuous trail activating multi-day trips and creating an economic impact through lodging, food, transportation, and retail sales.
Allegheny Cleanways engages and empowers people to eliminate illegal dumping and littering in Allegheny County.
We extend our gratitude to Colcom Foundation for their support of Allegheny CleanWays. With Colcom’s generous assistance, we’ve been able to maintain an updated fleet of work vehicles and boats essential for our crucial work in safeguarding and restoring our waterways as well as remediating illegal dumpsites all across our community. Colcom’s commitment to environmental conservation and their partnership in Allegheny CleanWays’ endeavor to combat littering creates a cleaner and safer Allegheny County.
Pennsylvania Resources Council protects local resources for future generations through environmental education, recycling, anti-litter campaigns, and more.
Pennsylvania Resources Council (PRC) envisions a Pennsylvania where nothing is wasted, where every resource is utilized effectively. Through education and direct services, PRC actively empowers residents of Southwestern PA to minimize their environmental footprint by reducing waste generation. The invaluable support from Colcom Foundation has played a pivotal role in sustaining and expanding our waste reduction and diversion efforts for over a decade. Thanks to Colcom’s funding, we have successfully diverted over 3 million pounds of materials from local landfills in 2023 alone. Over the last decade, with Colcom’s unwavering support, our recycling and composting initiatives have diverted a remarkable 14 million pounds, significantly contributing to a more sustainable future.
The Student Conservation Association is the largest provider of hands-on environmental conservation programs for youth and young adults.
With support from Colcom Foundation, the Student Conservation Association (SCA) can improve Pittsburgh’s parks and green spaces, bolster city-wide sustainability efforts, and engage youth and young adults through local conservation projects. Colcom’s investment contributes to tangible and measurable environmental benefits in the communities where SCA’s crews work and plays a unique role in developing the next generation of conservation leaders. In partnership, Pittsburgh youth embrace green jobs, preserve the region’s natural resources, and take pride in their communities.
Colcom Foundation supports projects that enrich and improve quality of life in southwestern Pennsylvania. Southwestern Pennsylvania includes the following counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Somerset, Washington, and Westmoreland.
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, a non-profit arts organization, has worked to make the Steel City a place where the arts can flourish.
Colcom Foundation has been a strong partner, contributing significantly to the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust’s mission to develop one of the nation’s premier destinations, Pittsburgh’s Cultural District. Notably, Colcom sponsored the artist-designed bike racks on Penn Avenue, a precursor to the installation of bike lanes that have boosted the city’s bike infrastructure. In addition, Colcom has supported various impactful Pittsburgh Cultural Trust initiatives, including the Water Cube at 8th and Penn which reduces single-use plastic bottles, as well as projects like the Allegheny Riverfront Upper Park and the installation of dark-sky-compliant outdoor lighting to address nighttime light pollution. Colcom’s support has also played a role in redirecting tons of waste from landfills at the Dollar Bank Three Rivers Arts Festival by sponsoring a “Green Team” that separates compostable and recyclable materials. The Cultural Trust expresses its appreciation for Colcom Foundation in these endeavors and applauds its dedication to beautification and environmental protection.
Kendra Whitlock Ingram, President & CEO
Hilltop Urban Farm is a nonprofit, community-centered farm in Pittsburgh’s Hilltop community. Located on 107 acres of land – it produces locally-grown crops, provides agriculture-based education, generates entrepreneurial opportunities, and strengthens communities.
Colcom Foundation has supported Hilltop Urban Farm since the farm’s first days in operation. Colcom funding has played an important role in establishing our Youth Farm, which has served over 1,200 Hilltop youth since 2019. Colcom Foundation also provided critical support to establish our Farmer Incubator Program, which provides beginning farmers with access to land, water, tools, and training opportunities, that are incredibly difficult to find, especially in an urban setting. Colcom has also played a pivotal role in the establishment of our Community Farm, which is a half-acre plot farmed by Hilltop staff and volunteers. All the fresh produce from the Community Farm is donated to Hilltop-serving food banks/food pantries. In just a few seasons, over 13,000 pounds of fresh produce has been donated to these food banks from the Community Farm.
John Bixler, Executive Director
Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership is a non-profit community development organization that develops and implements innovative programs to enhance the Downtown neighborhood, cultivate a vibrant residential population, and stimulate a diverse retail community.
Colcom Foundation has been a vital partner in the PDP’s work, contributing significantly to programs that build a vibrant and welcoming experience, including historic preservation, outdoor dining, holiday events and horticulture. Colcom’s investments and long-term partnership have had a measurable impact on Downtown Pittsburgh’s success as the cultural and economic heartbeat of our region.
Jeremy Waldrup, President and CEO
Grounded improves the social, economic, and environmental health of communities by building capacity to reclaim vacant and underutilized land.
Grounded was fortunate enough to receive funding from Colcom Foundation to support our Lots to Love trio of resident support services. These include: Land Doctor – A technical assistance program to aid residents in their acquisition of and access to vacant and underutilized parcels in Allegheny County, The Refresh Fund – A reimbursement program to support residents in maintaining vacant space projects by providing materials such as paint, mulch, and plants to sustain existing greenspace projects, and The PGH Mobile Toolbox – A “Shed on Wheels” containing enough landscape maintenance equipment to outfit a large team of volunteers for community upkeep.
Grow Pittsburgh develops and supports food-growing initiatives and programs across the region as a key way to improve the social, economic, environmental, health, and educational realities of people in our community.
Colcom Foundation has provided Grow Pittsburgh with vital support to help improve quality of life for Allegheny County residents through community gardening. Support for Grow Pittsburgh’s community food-growing programs has helped to boost community and economic development, strengthen food security, empower residents, improve the environment, and promote physical and mental health. Colcom grant support has directly helped create, sustain, and preserve community gardens as lasting resources in our region where folks can share in the many benefits of growing and sharing food.
Denele Hughson, Executive Director
Scenic Pittsburgh protects, enhances, and promotes the scenic beauty – both natural and built – of southwestern Pennsylvania.
With Colcom’s generous support, Scenic Pittsburgh has been able to help communities across southwestern Pennsylvania identify their scenic assets, protect their scenic character, and address issues of sign proliferation, blight, and careless development. Colcom understands our work of preserving and promoting scenic beauty goes beyond simply enhancing the physical aesthetics of our surroundings; it positively impacts the lives of individuals and communities, creating a more harmonious and sustainable world.
Mike Dawida, Executive Director
Touchstone Center for Crafts’ Summer Internship Program enables emerging artists, graduate, and undergraduate students to learn studio management and operations while refining their artistic skills and working with some of the nation’s best artists.
Colcom Foundation’s support of the internship program at Touchstone has allowed us to provide an increased amount of support and professional development opportunities to those involved. As a pivotal program for both Touchstone and the participating artists, we are thrilled that Colcom Foundation understands the need, the benefits and importance of the program, and has made an investment in our organization in this way.
Lindsay Ketterer Gates, Executive Director
Bidwell Training Center provides career training and academic enrichment to adults in transition.
Bidwell Training Center (BTC) provides adult workforce training in Pittsburgh at no cost to Pennsylvania residents. Colcom has provided funding to BTC’s greenhouse facility which houses its Horticulture Technology program, allowing for repairs and upgrades to keep this critical resource up-to-date and meeting industry standards. Additionally, Colcom’s support has enabled new infrastructure and programming within the greenhouse for Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), which will add Urban Food Production training and a community-focused shop to BTC’s growing initiatives in education and social enterprise.
Compassion & Choices improves care, expands options, and empowers individuals to map their end-of-life journey through medical aid in dying.
The steadfast support from Colcom Foundation over many years has been instrumental in advancing the mission and impact of Compassion & Choices. Through Colcom’s generous funding, Compassion & Choices has expanded our outreach, education, and advocacy initiatives to advance end-of-life choice and care. Colcom’s financial support has enabled us to reach a broader audience, engage in robust public awareness campaigns, and provide resources for individuals planning for or facing complex decisions at the end of life. Colcom Foundation’s commitment to Compassion & Choices reflects a shared dedication to fostering a society where individuals have the autonomy and options to make informed choices about their end-of-life care.
Kim Callinan, President and CEO
Veterans Place empowers veterans’ transition from homeless to home, ending the cycle of homelessness, and assists all at-risk veterans to become engaged, valuable citizens who contribute to their communities.
Since 2018, Colcom Foundation has been a consistent supporter of Veterans Place, providing vital funding essential for the renovation of on-site townhouses. Colcom has also supported the construction of a new multi-purpose facility to expand services at Veterans Place. This new facility will increase the capacity to provide additional transitional housing, as well as introduces a wellness center and on-site health screenings for veterans in the community. With Colcom’s funding, this facility will become a beacon of hope, offering comprehensive assistance to those who have served their country selflessly. This partnership symbolizes a collective commitment to honor and support our veterans, ensuring they receive the care and resources they deserve.
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy was founded in December 1996 by a group of citizens concerned with the deteriorating conditions of Pittsburgh’s historic city parks.
Colcom Foundation has generously invested in our mission and our efforts to create more accessible, cleaner, and greener parks, including the transformation of Mellon Square Park in Downtown Pittsburgh, the historic revival of the Northside’s Allegheny Commons Park, and the construction of the Frick Environmental Center, which remains one of the world’s only Living Buildings, a welcome center that is free and open to the public, and a hub for environmental education for thousands of children and their families. Colcom’s ongoing support has been instrumental toward creating a world-class park system for all to experience, learn from, interact with, and enjoy.
Catherine Qureshi, President and CEO
Friends of the Riverfront builds safe, clean, and accessible riverfront trails.
Colcom Foundation has provided invaluable support for Friends of the Riverfront for years – support that has allowed our organization to continue to build and maintain the economic, environmental and quality of life assets that are the Three Rivers Heritage Trail and the Water Trail and ensure more people can access and benefit from them. We have been able to expand our volunteer workforce, plant more trees, remove invasive plants and litter from the trails, and continue to build our regional trail network, as well as engage more people than ever, with 1.3 million trips on the trails in 2023. Work to extend our trails and keep them in good repair benefits our entire region not just for now, but for decades to come, and Friends is fortunate that the Colcom Foundation has seen the importance of investing in that vision.