

Touchstone Center for Crafts’ Summer Internship Program enables emerging artists, graduate, and undergraduate students to learn studio management and operations while refining their artistic skills and working with some of the nation’s best artists.

Colcom Foundation’s support of the internship program at Touchstone has allowed us to provide an increased amount of support and professional development opportunities to those involved. As a pivotal program for both Touchstone and the participating artists, we are thrilled that Colcom Foundation understands the need, the benefits and importance of the program, and has made an investment in our organization in this way.

Lindsay Ketterer Gates, Executive Director

Bidwell Training Center provides career training and academic enrichment to adults in transition.

Bidwell Training Center (BTC) provides adult workforce training in Pittsburgh at no cost to Pennsylvania residents. Colcom has provided funding to BTC’s greenhouse facility which houses its Horticulture Technology program, allowing for repairs and upgrades to keep this critical resource up-to-date and meeting industry standards. Additionally, Colcom’s support has enabled new infrastructure and programming within the greenhouse for Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), which will add Urban Food Production training and a community-focused shop to BTC’s growing initiatives in education and social enterprise.


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WVU-led Three Rivers Quest expands environmental research and education efforts with Colcom Foundation support

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21 species declared extinct — but not the ivory-billed woodpecker

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